Israel’s War on Hamas and the Questions We Should Be Asking

As many of you know, Israel, known as the U.S.’s closest ally, has declared war after an attack credited to what has been known as the terrorist group Hamas, and if the reports are true of them going house to house, kidnapping and murdering, it is Israel’s worst atrocity in the last fifty years. While my heart breaks for any innocent civilian there, whether Israeli or Palestinian, Jewish or Muslim… Media is now being flooded with the traumatic scenes and stories as if they’ve taken orders to shift our focus away from Ukraine, and I want to share my initial thoughts, as these are the questions we need to be asking:

Are we to believe that the Israeli Mossad (their intelligence agency who works way too closely with ours in the U.S.) and IDF (Israel Defense Forces), were not on high alert on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War and had zero intel of the Hamas attack when almost every Israeli citizen is a trained Soldier (generally, ALL Israeli citizens serve a minimum of three years in their military, even the women, unless granted special exemptions), and when the attacks begun, the IDF along with their police and security forces could not respond in time to stop the house-to-house killings?

Really? In a warrior culture where even the average security guard, stationed everywhere, is carrying an Uzi? (I’ve been to Israel, and even Christian tours were protected by young men carrying such Uzis and rifles, which are even more advanced now, but historically, even most of the women there knew how to shoot an Uzi).

And you mean to tell me that the Hamas fighters, who supposedly just jumped on the bandwagon during the missile attacks, were able to put out their own footage of their kidnappings and killings that quickly, perfectly capturing scenes that tug at the heartstrings of the viewers such as an Israeli female being separated from her male counterpart, being whisked away on the Hamas motorcycle as she reaches out one last time for her fellow male citizen-soldier as he stands helpless, and in the chaos Hamas had access to Israeli WiFi and a strong internet connection, and at the same time were able to upload multiple well-captured scenes like that in real time, having such connections to English-language social media that it becomes viral in the same day?

If that’s the case, then every Hamas unit must have a savvy Social Media Director, fluent in all languages, especially English and Hebrew.

And if one wants to argue that such videos come from Israeli vloggers, you mean to tell me they’d rather sit there recording on their cell phones than fight for their neighbors or themselves, when they’re trained as Soldiers to have heart, go beyond themselves, and never give up (something I had always respected about the IDF)? And if they really are that scared as citizen-soldiers, they still would rather videotape than run?

Umm… okay…

And are we really to believe THOUSANDS of missiles penetrated Israel’s “Iron Dome” defense system that U.S. citizens paid for with our tax dollars, made to withstand such attacks?

And are we really to believe the excuses given by our so-called Secretary of State, that the SIX (they love that number, don’t they?) BILLION dollars the Biden Administration released to Iran during a hostage deal, has gone untouched when Iran at minimum can use that money on humanitarian aid such as medicine for their people, yet has already stated they will use it as they wish?


And as the Taliban seeks to join in on the action, seeking to move through other nations right now, are we supposed to forget the Biden Administration armed them with 80 billion dollars’ worth of our weaponry that they so conveniently left for them in Afghanistan?

Or, no, wait, according to the media programming, we’re supposed to forget about that now, and ignore that billions more of our taxpayer dollars funding Ukraine’s weapons are not being sold and given away on the black market, which could ever so conveniently be found in the hands of Hamas fighters?

Oh, yes, all the more reason to not look too closely at Ukraine which is losing popularity, which everyday appears more and more to be a money-laundering scheme on the backs of the American worker (see my very important report on Russia vs. Ukraine here:

And are we supposed to forget the (at MINIMUM) 3.8 BILLION dollars Obummer devoted to funding Israel with our taxpayer dollars EVERY YEAR?

Yes, my fellow hard-working Americans, because understand they now want MORE of your money. Secretary of State Blinken is already in talks with them on how we are going to further assist (“fund”) their needs beyond Obummer’s Memorandum of Understanding to continue to steal from us.

We, the American taxpayers, are now funding both Ukraine – an unjust “war” that has lead to the genocide of innocent ethnically-Russian Ukrainians in Donbass (Eastern Ukraine) by the thousands (I lost count around 4,000 since their false flag, media-hyped “revolution”), and now Israel’s wars and whatever else the shady puppet masters are up to with our money. A U.S. naval warship, one of the largest and most advanced aircraft carriers in the world, has just arrived the Eastern Mediterranean.

And I don’t doubt we are also indirectly funding Hamas, whether Mossad agents have assets within Hamas, knowing the more “shock and awe” they traumatize us with, the more we will be apt to go to war or fund it, lining the pockets of the deceivers while we, the tax-paying citizens struggle more and more to survive.

Do you see how this works yet? Because they’ve been doing this for decades.

And now with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s scandals and growing unpopularity, he can play the “hero” again. Great job, Bibi… way to go… : /

And let’s see if Israel then retaliates against Iran for funding Hamas… or was this simply part of the deal and everyone played their part as planned in order to take advantage of the hearts of the American taxpayers? Either they’ve all made dirty deals so they all end up richer at our expense, or eventually, the puppet masters who control both America and Israel and much of the world can use these terrorist attacks they perpetrate themselves in order to punish and take out Iran, eventually, because if Iran is not doing dirty deals with them, they are one of the last nations the world’s slave masters don’t have more control over. Russia and North Korea are the other ones who are not fully bowing to their will. No wonder our media is full of hate against them, controlled by these slave masters who own the media now.

Or are they just looking for reasons and justifications to take out more Palestinians and clean out their borders? While I may never side with Hamas, the majority of Palestinians did vote to put them in power, though about 40% of Palestinians are not for Hamas. Regardless, I feel for those who now may also be harmed during Israel’s current retaliations.

Understand Israel’s Netanyahu answers to the world’s slave masters who pull strings on almost all governments now, yet are never the named leaders of nations. Weak, cowardly men always hide well behind their puppets.

The Biden Administration – a puppet administration – also answers to them, and this may be a ploy to get America into a full-blown war in order to disrupt the 2024 Presidential elections as well. Afterall, the Biden puppet is working so well for them. Who cares if the actor playing Joe Biden is senile and incompetent and the real Joe Biden is dead (again view my Russia vs. Ukraine dissertation linked above)? The Democrats don’t care and have their constituents so deceived and mind-controlled that it doesn’t even matter. Just shame the truth-tellers as “conspiracy theorists” and keep their programmed slaves looking the other way.

The Trump Administration did not always bow to them, and so continues to be punished and hated in media. How befitting to put together a trauma event to ensure the American taxpayer funds it all in case they can’t push Trump to sign off on it when he’s back in office, who, more than any U.S. President in my generation has kept us from and pulled us out of wars and reduced our taxes, regardless of what else you’ve been told about him.

As for the Spiritual implications of this, it is possible the events will become worse before they appear better, and will eventually be used to usher in “peace” agreements by those with nefarious interests. It will actually be a power move by those seeking global domination who perpetrated the wars in the first place, but it will be a false, temporary “peace” as prophesied in the Bible (1 Thessalonians 5:3), even if well-meaning people are involved, thinking they are doing the right thing when they are actually fulfilling antichrist plans of world domination. But this “peace” agreement will seem necessary as Israel will be cornered on all sides, and the bloodshed we hear of today may only be multiplied. When this happens, it will signify the eventual, soon-coming Return of the One True King Jesus, to whom all these “kings” must bow. This covenant agreement will then be betrayed (Daniel 9:27) and the greatest showdown of good vs. evil the world has ever known will occur with King Jesus at the helm in the Battle of Armageddon where He confronts the evil overtaking Israel and the world.

But first He will set Israel and the Jewish people free, not only from the harm that will rise against them, but from their own blindness to see He was always the only True Messiah – Yeshua Ha Moshiach.

So get ready…. and choose NOW Whom you will serve while you still have the chance.

(As always, I will continue to update this blog post for accuracy as more is revealed, so please subscribe and check back for updates here or below in comments.)

13 thoughts on “Israel’s War on Hamas and the Questions We Should Be Asking

  1. This is the article highlighting the story above… click through the links and you will see the short video clip… personally, I could’ve knocked the idiot in the back of the motorcycle off myself along with the victim, whose feet were not even bound in order to straddle the motorcycle, while the other idiot drove off… Because no one did that, we would have to assume armed Hamas fighters were around, and therefore assume it was Hamas themselves taking and uploading the video, sharing it with Israelis immediately on Telegram… Really? Hamas and Israeli citizens just hang out in the same Telegram chats? Umm, okay…. Notice also the boyfriend does not fight for his girlfriend, the biggest guy in the video….


  2. Efrat Fenigson, who served in Intelligence for the IDF, says there is no way Israel could not have known of this attack… She’s more monotone in her speaking than me, so please pay close attention to the important details she shared after Day 1 of the #HamasAttack, such as the Gaza border having less troops this day, as well as Reservists continuing to wait on transportation to get to the fight… She believes both Israelis and Palestinians have been sold out in this operation… And I do believe there are victims on all sides now, mostly Israelis and Palestinians, of course, but even the American taxpayer who is funding it all, quite possibly on both sides…


  3. Even this Israeli historian can see that the Obummer and Bye Den Administrations have strengthened Iran, urging us not to be fooled… start about 8:30 minutes in for direct quote…


  4. Heartbreaking testimony from a Gaza resident… The IDF appears to have been intentionally delayed by six (there’s that favorite number again of the evildoers) hours:


  5. They cannot tell us Israel had no intel on this attack when it was announced on Palestinian TV:

    Trying to get the exact details of this interview and will update this when I do, but it aired a few days before the attack.


  6. And here we go with previously-used footage being re-circulated as current war footage – the same thing they did with Ukraine… Not to mention demolition footage used as war bombing footage… similar to what they did on 9/11 which was a demolition of the World Trade towers and building 7, made to appear as if planes made them collapse (nothing hit Bldg. 7 by the way, it just housed the intel agencies and all their info in planning 9/11):


  7. Jorge Calzadilla October 12, 2023 — 6:12 am

    Excellent summary!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Former Human Observer for the Israeli border guard says it would be impossible to break through their defenses as even a bird or a cockroach would set off their alerts, and they have soldiers monitoring this looking for any movement 24/7… Someone must’ve been told to stand down and allow this to happen…


  9. Well Hamas’s Social Media Director continues to do an incredible job, not only having their own Telegram channel that gains 10,000 followers per day, putting out propagandic content 24/7 to inflame the masses on both sides which has already proven to be a very financially successful war for those in power, they are now putting forth professional promo commercials similar to video promos the U.S. military puts out, complete with go-pro cameras and their now-infamous paraglider mission into Israel… Seem to be well-funded for a supposedly poor community… Do you still really believe they are not receiving western assistance even if that assistance is via our funding of Iran? Do you still believe Israeli and quite possibly our own intel agencies are not in on it? I would love to paraglide into Israel(!), but I’m sure I’d be shot down before I even cross the border…


  10. Finally… an IDF Soldier testifies (anonymously) that she reported seeing Hamas training for this attack multiple times but her Commanders ignored it. This is how they do it, folks… Either all the Commanders were in on it that oversaw the Gaza border, or they were told to stand down and did not question it as they should have… Sounds like a bunch of U.S. Soldiers I know…


  11. Dang… I’m saddened to see an ancient Greek Orthodox Church in Gaza has been bombed with innocent civilians inside… 😦

    While I can’t say this about all we’re seeing on mainstream media coming from Israel, my discernment tells me the destruction coming on the Palestinians of Gaza is real… 😦

    For those who pray and listen for discernment… What is Holy Spirit telling you?


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